September letter

Hi, Comenius friends!

We're students of 8th and 9th grade-Alenka, Rebeka, Barbara, Kaja in Urban. We started this school year on Wednesday, 1st September. Soon after the school started, floods affected our country and our school too. We are still pumping water out of our basement every morning, but, luckily, the weather is getting better now :).

At the 22nd September we had sports day, where we had to walk for hours. At the end of the day we had competition in Cross country running. It’s a running event that we have every year in which runners compete to gain first place on a course over open terrain.

Interesting, we had sports day on the same day as children in Finland. What were you doing on that same day? And what do you usually do on your sports day?

We can go swimming, skiing, we have sports games, visit tennis center and athletics stadium.

Last week 9th grades went on a final trip in Gardaland. It was awesome. And it was the first time that the final trip was at the beginning of the school year.

On the 8th of October all grades of our school will have excursion. We will explore different places of our country.

And now the work … WE ALSO WORK!!!

For Comenius we work in mixed groups now and we choose words, sentences, we draw and prepare things for the dictionary. We will also start to work on other different school projects and one of them is a project about bees. We have no idea what we are going to do about it, but we are looking forward to.

On what kind of projects do you guys work on?

Today was a very important day for our school. After 10 years of arguing and promises between different politicians they finally laid the foundation stone of new school, kindergarten and sports hall in Mirna Pec. We had to act nice on the ceremony because some important guests were there.

We hope you don't drown in water and work. HAVE FUUUN!!!

Alenka, Rebeka, Barbara, Kaja and Urban

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