naravnost – straight ahead

levo – left

desno – right

tamle – over there

križišče – crossroads

most – a bridge

semafor – traffic lights

mimo – past (a building)

železniška postaja – a railway station

vlak – a train

avtobusna postaja – a bus station

avtobusno postajališče – a bus stop

avtobus – a bus

vozni red – a timetable

ob … uri – at … o'clock


Oprostite, kako pridem do … ? – Excuse me, how can I get to … ?
Pojdite mimo trgovine naravnost in v križišču zavijte levo. - Go past the shop straight and turn left at the crossroads.
Oprostite, kje je … ? – Excuse me, where is … ?
Tamle, na desni. – Over there on the right.
Kdaj odpelje naslednji vlak/avtobus? – When is the next train / bus?


A: Dober dan. Oprostite, kako pridem do železniške postaje? – Excuse me, how can I get to the railway station?
B: Dober dan. Pojdite naravnost čez most in v križišču za avtobusnim postajališčem zavite levo. – Good afternoon. Go straight ahead, cross the bridge and at the crossroad next to the bus stop turn left.
A: Hvala. Nasvidenje. – Thank you. Good-bye.
B: Adijo. – Bye.

A: Oprostite, kje je blagajna? – Excuse me, where is the cash register?
C: Tamle, levo. – Over there on the left.
A: Hvala. – Thank you.

A: Dober dan. – Hello!
D: Dober dan. – Hello!
A: Kdaj odpelje naslednji vlak za Ljubljano? – When is the next train to Ljubljana?
D: Ob 8. uri. – At 8 o’clock.
A: Eno karto prosim. Koliko stane? – One ticket, please. How much is it?
D: Karta stane pet evrov. – The ticket is five euros.
A: Izvolite. – Here you are.
D: Izvolite karto in drobiž. – Here is the ticket and the change.
A: Hvala. Adijo. – Thank you. Bye.
D: Nasvidenje. – Good-bye.

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