jedilni pribor - cutlery

kozarec - glass

jedilni list - menu

hrana - food

predjed - a starter

juha - soup

glavna jed – the main dish

solata - a salad

sladica – a dessert

pijača - drinks

kava - coffee

sok - juice

vino - wine

voda - water

napitnina - tip

Lahko dobim račun/jedilni list, prosim? – Could you bring us the bill/menu, please?

Rezerviral bi mizo za dve osebi. – I would like to book a table for two, please.

Želel bi naročiti. - We would like to order.

Želite, prosim? – Can I help you, please?

Dober tek! – Good appetite!


Guest: Dober dan. – Good afternoon!
Waiter: Dober dan in dobrodošli. – Good afternoon and welcome!
Guest: Rad bi mizo za dva. – Table for two, please.
Waiter: Izvolite, prosim, tamle na desni. – Certainly. Over there on the right, please.
Waiter: Izvolite jedilni list. – Here is the menu, please.
Guest: Hvala. – Thanks.
Waiter: Želite, prosim? – Can I help you, please?
Guest: Želel bi naročiti hrano in pijačo. – We would like to order.
Waiter: Izvolite, prosim. – Sure, please.
Guest: Kozarec vode in kozarec soka, to juho, to glavno jed in to solato. – A glass of water, juice, this soup, this main course and this salad.
Waiter: Hvala. – Thank you.
Waiter: Izvolite pijačo in pribor. – Your drinks and cutlery.
Guest: Hvala. – Thanks.
Waiter: Izvolite, dober tek! - Here you go. Good appetite!
Guest: Hvala. – Thank you.
Guest: Lahko dobim račun? - I would like the bill, please.
Waiter: Da, takoj. – Certainly.
Guest: Izvolite denar in napitnino. – Here's the money and tip.
Waiter: Najlepša hvala. – Thank you very much.
Guest: Nasvidenje. – Good-bye.
Waiter: Hvala in nasvidenje. – Thank you and good-bye.

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